Protect & Control Your Email
Receiving, processing and classifying mail
The native XML format in which DMARC data is transmitted is not intended for human consumption. Our platform visualizes the data in powerful and meaningful ways so you can quickly identify authentication gaps (SPF/DKIM) and unauthorized use of your domains.
In addition to aggregating DMARC data, our platform provides domain administration teams with the necessary features to adopt DMARC with clarity and confidence. It is powered by the most accurate source classification engine in the industry and affords users with assurances of the true origin of a particular mail stream.
dmarcian has been processing DMARC data since the inception of the specification in 2012.
DMARC Management Platform
The Domain Overview contains a summary of the status of all your domains and sources. The geographical location of recent abuse is also shown. View the state of your domains at a glance, and get to work locking down your email domains.
Learn more about our Domain Overview
The Detail Viewer is a comprehensive data discovery tool that allows you to explore your DMARC data in a variety of ways and to inform you on how to get your email sources compliant with DMARC.
Learn more about our Detail Viewer
The Source Viewer shows an overview of the DMARC Capable Sources we have found across all of your domains or domain groups.
Learn more about our Source Viewer.
Not sure what domains you have registered? dmarcian can help. Using Domain Discovery, dmarcian can automatically discover your digital assets and add them to your catalogue.
This is an Enterprise-only feature.
Integrate our DMARC SaaS Platform seamlessly into your own dashboards or SOC by using our API.
This is an Enterprise-only feature.
Our DMARC SaaS Platform allows our customers to extend their security setup using Single Sign-On. Single Sign-On lets organizations define/manage access requirements and simplifies provisioning and deprovisioning of users. We currently support SAML V2.0.
This is an Enterprise-only feature.
Our DMARC Management Platform automatically detects, processes, sorts and displays subdomains and gives users the option to choose which subdomains are valuable to them.

Without dmarcian
This—times a whole lot more, depending on the amount of email you send.

With dmarcian
DMARC’s XML feedback contains useful information, and dmarcian helps you make sense of it.