
Protect and manage one of your most important business assets.
Organizations live and die on the internet. Customers, partners, vendors and employees meet the organization online in a multitude of ways—websites, email, applications, video calls, social media, chat. The possibilities continue to grow. Now more than ever it is important to have visibility and control over your internet domains.
Services like email and invoicing systems leverage internet domains and are the backbone of an organization’s online presence, both internally and externally. These services must be managed to bring consistency to the following:
- Security practices
- Vendor management processes
- Compliance programs
- Cyber insurance liability
- Email communications
When internet domain services are properly managed, the company can move digital transformation initiatives more effectively. To create unity-of-purpose, teams within an organization can shatter silos and work together on a DMARC project as an archetype for efficiently managing other domain-based services.
An organization that capably manages services that run on top of their internet domains cures inconsistent practices and processes that inevitably lead to increased risk exposure, security problems, fragmented customer and employee experiences, and poor compliance measures.
Customer Success Story
Global Agriculture Company
In the discovery phase to broaden its domain security footprint, a global agriculture company met with Microsoft representatives who recommended the DMARC technical standard via dmarcian’s deployment services and DMARC Management Platform.
After the fact-finding meeting with Microsoft and an initial meeting with dmarcian, “it was evident that we needed to do something about our domain,” the DMARC project manager said. “We had genuine, transparent rapport with the dmarcian team whose expertise and knowledge were evident. It wasn’t like they were just trying to sell us something.”
The company’s dmarcian dashboard revealed that their domains were under heavy attacks from spam and phishing attempts, especially with a newly acquired domain. Requesting resources for the DMARC project to move forward was challenging because they needed to turn what they were seeing into a business case that their management could understand.
The data and visuals from the dmarcian dashboard showed the company’s management how dire the situation was and allowed them to see the bigger picture in domain and brand integrity. It helped them understand that implementing DMARC through dmarcian would provide short-term and long-term benefits.